
作为一家山东企业,拥有典型的山东个性,以朴实、真诚、实在的品牌调性,如实反映到产品制作和生产过程中。 遵循这一理念诚实地表达在设计中,不必额外装饰,延续品牌的“黑色优品”的概念,在 30 周年之际,完成一次品牌的升级转变。

尊重品牌,分析品牌。 如何把其中的相对“困难”“棘手”的图形转化成更为合适好用的设计元素是这次改版中的难点。 令消费者看到惊喜的同时依旧保留了品牌自身的个性。

From kids to adults, Weilong always optimize products in last 30 years. No matter in bulk or in pack, its flavor deeply roots in public memory.

Weilong is a Shandong company with typical Shandong characteristic-- plain, honesty, simplicity shape the brand and can be shown in production and design.No extra decoration, keep the "black high quality" concept is the 30th anniversary upgrade.

We respect and analyze the brand thoroughly. Dealing with "difficulty" graphic and redesign to be better elements is a big challenge. Our design it to surprise consumers but still to retain Weilong's brand feeling.


BXY Talking Candy


Pepsi Limited Can