稚拙仲达是一个年轻小公司,2021 年成立于上海。目前由 5 位主要员工组成,每一位都来自不同的设计领域,因同一个设计的理念彼此合作,试图贯彻一种不一样的方式,探索人文、功能和诗意来重新来定义每个品牌。
“颜值”一词已然统一了汉语口语里一切与长相有关的单词,我们已经很久没有见过“容貌”、“外表”、 “英俊”、“美丽”这类词汇,“值”这个计量概念, 革除了一切赞美之词。
而在蒙古,每一匹马的颜色都有其特殊的词汇, 她们可以是银鬓黑枣骝、花蹄白赭黄、额白灰青、黄毛夹杂着白点子的马为骠 ,纯黑色的马为骊 。青黑色的马为骐 ,赤色的马为骅 ,黑鬃黑尾的红马为骝,黑色白蹄的马为骓等。
我们致力于定制每一个客户自己的作品和她的名字,在当今各种泛包装、亚文化的环境下,愿意花更多的时间、用更“笨”的办法,从而不将自我放置于 任何局部里。
我们整个设计团队将以扎实的技术、美学、调研与文学作为基础,在恪守完整设计旧秩序 ( 即灵感思维—概念体系—完美执行 ) 的前提下,为客户建立属于自己品牌的美学新逻辑,将原有的要素与排列重新秩序。
Zhizhuozhongda is a young and small company established in Shanghai in 2021.At present, it consists of 5 employees, each of whom is from a different design field and cooperate with each other due to the same design concept. Everyone is trying to implement a different way, exploring humanities, functions and poetry to redefine every single brand.
The vocabulary ‘Face Value’ has unified all the words related to appearance in oral Chinese. It has been a long time since we have seen words such as ‘appearance’, ‘handsome’ and ‘pretty’. The concept of "Value" is a measurement , excluding all words of praise.
In Mongolia, the color of each horse has its own special vocabulary. They can be black horses with silver temples, black jujubes, white ocher yellow hooves, white gray and blue foreheads, yellow hair mixed with white spots, and black horses. A blue-and-black horse is called Qi, a red horse is called Hua, a red horse with black mane and black tail is called Liu, a black horse with white hooves is called Zou, etc.
We are committed to customizing each customer's work and her nature. In present pan- packaging and subcultural environment, we are willing to spend more time and use more ‘stupid’ methodology so as not to place ourselves within any limitations.
Our entire design team will base on solid technology, aesthetics, research and literature, and on the premise of adhering to the complete old design order, which is inspirational thinking- conceptual system-perfect execution, to establish a distinguished aesthetic logic of our own brand for customers with regrouping the original elements and arrangements.