邀俄罗斯乐事团队邀请设计俄罗斯乐事STAX产品的整体视觉形象规范,来提升品牌形象和销量。 此项目时间紧迫另需要俄罗斯团队和全球团队的按时沟通,还面临着了解和学习符合俄罗斯食品市场的视觉语言,在不修改现有包装的前提下,设计出契合产品的视觉形象规范和应用。
从前期创意发散开始、到草图、设计、拍摄、后期、完稿、和一系列的延展内容,推敲出适用于俄罗斯市场消费者青睐的高级感和奢华感的产品视觉形象。 在整体设计上丰富和强化产品的口味表现,平衡了乐事STAX产品的品牌调性。 整套视觉形象包含平面视觉的使用,户外,物料以及线上和线下的各种规范。
China design team was invite to design Russia STAX product VIS. The challenge to this project is very limit working time and communicate with Russia and global team on time, also need to learn the Russia market visual language to make sure new VIS must to match the current pack design at the same time.
Start from the creative thinking, sketch, then design, photographic, FA, VIS, find a good solution to present the premium & luxury feeling of the Russia market. Play with the nice look way to display the food demo and flavor.and balance the Lay’s brand tonality, Whole VIS include different conditions - graphic, POSM, online and offline.
After to finish the project, all team was all satisfied, and this VIS was using by all the visual system now.