2018年乐事推出了第一款限时版产品-乐事樱花味薯片以及抹茶味薯片,这两款产品只在春季销售。这改变了乐事每年只推出2至3款新口味的既定模式,能满足大众对于求新求变不断尝鲜的消费需求。 乐事樱花薯片目前已经推出了三季。一年一次,产品口味不断进化,也伴随着视觉形象的提升与变化。
第一季推出时,对应的设计了一系列的视觉形象、从周边到物料以及线上线下各种宣传,并专门设计了的乐事樱花主题店。这些设计都突破了乐事薯片相对保守的形象,注如了新活力,并结合当下的流行元素,大大的刺激了年轻消费者的购买欲。 乐事“拥有一颗少女心”成为了讨论话题,得到大量的评论,以及快速有效的传播。
Lay’s launch the first round time limited offer ( LTO ) chips-Lay’s Sakura flavor & Lay’s Matcha flavor in 2018. This two product was only sale in spring. It was to break the Lay's current regular sale model ( launch 2 or 3 new flavor every year). and feed the consumer who needs new requirement for snacks.
Lay’s sakura chips already launch three seasons, both evolution of product and version communication, when launch season one we create a mount of visual assets, extracted product & POSM, online & offline content, and also design the Lay's Sakura theme supermarket.
Lay’s sakura ( LTO ) chips add new energy into the brand, encourage more and more young consumer to love the brand, " Lay’s Pink Girlish Heart " became the popularly topic and spreads on internet. Lay’s sakura ( LTO ) chips product sold out in very shot time, after reproduction, sold out again, This model paved the way for the next different LTO product.